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DVR Card   DVR Card
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CCTV Camera   CCD Camera
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DVR CC Series
DVR CB Series
DVR CA Series
DVR DP Series
DVR DO Series
DVR DD Series CCTV Dome Camera
DVR DC Series
DVR DB Series
DVR DA Series
DVR IDES Series IR Waterproof Dome Camera
DVR IDDK Series IR Dome Waterproof  Camera
DVR IDDG Series IR Dome Waterproof  Camera
DVR IDBF Series IR Dome Waterproof  Camera
DVR IDAFSeries IR Dome Waterproof Camera
DVR IDAC Series IR Waterproof Dome Camera
DVR IDC Series IR Waterproof Dome Camera
DVR IDBA Series IR Dome Audio Camera
DVR IDB series CCTV  IR Dome Camera
DVR IRL Series
DVR IRLS Series IR Waterproof  Camera
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DVR IRLG Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IRJS Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRJK Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IRJG Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRIT Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IRES Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IREK Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IREG Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IREB Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRDO Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRDK Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRDG Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRCF series
DVR IRCC Series IR Waterproof  Camera
DVR IRCB Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRBS series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRBO Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRBA Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRBD Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRAC Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IRAB Series IR Waterproof Camera
DVR IZY Series
DVR IZG series
DVR IZHO Series IR WaterProof Varifocal Camera
DVR DZF Series
DVR IZCC Series IR WaterProof Varifocal Camera
DVR IZAF Series IR WaterProof Varifocal Camera
DVR IZAC Series IR WaterProof Varifocal Camera
DVR DZAF Series IR WaterProof Varifocal Dome Camera
DVR IPDB Series Mini Pan  Camera
DVR IPDA Series Mini Pan  Camera
DVR VF Series IR Vehicle-Mounted Camera
DVR VE Series Vehicle-Mounted Camera
DVR VD Series IR WaterProof Vehicle-Mounted Dome Camera
DVR VC Series IR WaterProof Vehicle-Mounted Audio Dome Camera
DVR VB Series IR WaterProof Vehicle-Mounted Camera
DVR VA Series IR WaterProof Vehicle-Mounted Audio Dome Camera
DVR HS series hidden camera
DVR HM series hidden camera
DVR HL series hidden camera
DVR HG series hidden camera
DVR HF series hidden camera
DVR HD series hidden camera
DVR MP series hidden Camera
DVR MA series ATM Camera
DVR 54 Sereis HD-AHD Camera
DVR 62 Sereis HD-CVI camera
DVR 52 Sereis HD-AHD Camera
DVR 62 Sereis HD-AHD Camera
DVR 51 Sereis HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADF3 Series Fisheye HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADF0 Series Fisheye HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADB2 Series IR Dome HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADB1 Series IR Dome HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADA2 Series IR Dome HD-AHD Camera
DVR ADA1 Series IR Dome HD-AHD Camera
Speed Camera   Mini PT Dome Camera
All In One Camera   All In One Camera
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Camera Lens   Camera Lens
DVR Camera  IRC-N352E
DVR Camera  IDAF-N370P
DVR Camera  IRFA-N370E
DVR Camera  IRAC-N342E
DVR Camera  IRAC-N370P
DVR Camera  IDBF-N342E
DVR Camera  IDBF-N352E
DVR Camera  IREB-N342E
DVR Camera  IREB-N370P
DVR Camera  IREB-N370E
DVR Camera  IRAB-N342E
DVR Camera  IRAB-N370P
DVR Camera  IRFA-N342E
DVR Camera  IRFA-N370P
DVR Camera  IRL-N352S
DVR Camera  IDAC-N370P
DVR Camera  IDAC-N342E
DVR Camera  IRFC-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCF-N342E
DVR Camera  IPDA-N352E
DVR Camera  IPDA-N342S
DVR Camera  IRCF-N370P
DVR Camera  IPDB-N352E
DVR Camera  IPDB-N352S
DVR Camera  IPDB-N342S
DVR Camera  IRBC-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCB-N342E
DVR Camera  IRGK-N370P
DVR Camera  IZHC-N370E
DVR Camera  IRCC-N370P
DVR Camera  IDFA-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCC-N352S
DVR Camera  IRF-N352E
DVR Camera  IRAF-N370P
DVR Camera  IRAF-N342E
DVR Camera  IRL-N352E
DVR Camera  IRL-N370P
DVR Camera  IRL-N342E
DVR Camera  CT-IRF365E
DVR Camera  IDBF-N370P
DVR Camera  IRCA-N370P
DVR Camera  IRCA-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCA-N342E
DVR Camera  IRAB-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCB-N370P
DVR Camera  IDAF-N342E
DVR Camera  IDCA-N352E
DVR Camera  CT-DB342S
DVR Camera  CT-DB342E
DVR Camera  IZHC-N342E
DVR Camera  CT-DB352E
DVR Camera  IRFA-N352E
DVR Camera  IRCA-N352S
DVR Camera  IRF-N370E
DVR Camera  IRFC-N370E
DVR Camera  IRCC-N342E
DVR Camera  IRCC-N352E
DVR Camera  CT-IRF342E
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB342S
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB352E
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB342E
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DVR Camera  CT-IRC342E
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DVR Camera  IREG-N342E
DVR Camera  IREG-N370P
DVR Camera  IREG-N370E
DVR Camera  IRGO-N342E
DVR Camera  IRGO-N370P
DVR Camera  IRIS-N370P
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DVR Camera  IRIT-N370S
DVR Camera  IDAC-N370S
DVR Camera  IDAF-N370S
DVR Camera  IDBF-N370S
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DVR Camera  IRCC-N370S
DVR Camera  IRCF-N370S
DVR Camera  IRL-N370S
DVR Camera  IRAB-N370S
DVR Camera  IPDB-N370S
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DVR Camera  IRJG-N370S
DVR Camera  IRJG-N370P
DVR Camera  IRIT-N342E
DVR Camera  IRJK-N342E
DVR Camera  IRJK-N370S
DVR Camera  IRJK-N370P
DVR Camera  IRCA-N370F
DVR Camera  IRFA-N370F
DVR Camera  IRBC-N370F
DVR Camera  IRCC-N370F
DVR Camera  IRFC-N370F
DVR Camera  IRGK-N370F
DVR Camera  IRGO-N370F
DVR Camera  IRIS-N370F
DVR Camera  IRIT-N370F
DVR Camera  IRL-N370F
DVR Camera  IDAC-N370F
DVR Camera  IDAF-N370F
DVR Camera  IDBF-N370F
DVR Camera  IRAB-N370F
DVR Camera  IRAC-N370F
DVR Camera  IRAF-N370F
DVR Camera  CY-VF70S
DVR Camera  IRJK-N370F
DVR Camera  IREB-N370F
DVR Camera  IREG-N370F
DVR Camera  IRJG-N370F
DVR Camera  CT-IRAC442M
DVR Camera  IRC-M470
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF442M
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF470M
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF442E
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF342S
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF360S
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB442M
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB470M
DVR Camera  CT-IRC442E
DVR Camera  CT-IRF442M
DVR Camera  CT-IRF470M
DVR Camera  CT-IRF442E
DVR Camera  CT-IRF360S
DVR Camera  HM-N342E
DVR Camera  HM-N370S
DVR Camera  HM-N370P
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB442E
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB360S
DVR Camera  IDAC-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IDAC390M
DVR Camera  IDBF-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IDBF390M
DVR Camera  CT-IRAB360M
DVR Camera  IRAB-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRAC360M
DVR Camera  IRAC-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRAC390M
DVR Camera  IRAF-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRAF390M
DVR Camera  CT-IRBO442M
DVR Camera  IRBO-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRBO390M
DVR Camera  CT-IRJK442M
DVR Camera  IRJK-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRJK390M
DVR Camera  IRBS-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IRBS390M
DVR Camera  IRDG-N360E
DVR Camera  IRDG-N370S
DVR Camera  IRDG-N370P
DVR Camera  IRDG-N370F
DVR Camera  IRDK-N360E
DVR Camera  IRDK-N370S
DVR Camera  IRDK-N370P
DVR Camera  IRDK-N370F
DVR Camera  IRDO-N360E
DVR Camera  IRDO-N370S
DVR Camera  IRDO-N370P
DVR Camera  IRDO-N370F
DVR Camera  IRLG-N360E
DVR Camera  IRLG-N370S
DVR Camera  IRLG-N370P
DVR Camera  IRLG-N370F
DVR Camera  IRLK-N360E
DVR Camera  IRLK-N370S
DVR Camera  IRLK-N370P
DVR Camera  IRLK-N370F
DVR Camera  IRLS-N360E
DVR Camera  IRLS-N370S
DVR Camera  IRLS-N370P
DVR Camera  IRLS-N370F
DVR Camera  IRCC-N360E
DVR Camera  IREK-N360E
DVR Camera  IRES-N360E
DVR Camera  CT-IDC390M
DVR Camera  IRJS-N360E
DVR Camera  IRAB-N370S
DVR Camera  IRIT-N360E
DVR Camera  DZAF-N360E
DVR Camera  IZAC-N360E
DVR Camera  IZCC-N360E
DVR Camera  IZHO-N360E
DVR Camera  IDBF-N380S
DVR Camera  IPDA-N360E
DVR Camera  IPDB-N360E
DVR Camera  IRJK-N360E
DVR Camera  IRFK-N360E
DVR Camera  IDBF-N380W
DVR Camera  IDBF-N380E
DVR Camera  IRDK-N380S
DVR Camera  IRDK-N380W
DVR Camera  IRDK-N380E
DVR Camera  IRDO-N380S
DVR Camera  IRDO-N380W
DVR Camera  IRDO-N380E
DVR Camera  IRLS-N380S
DVR Camera  IRLS-N380W
DVR Camera  IRLS-N380E
DVR Camera  IDES-N380S
DVR Camera  IDDK-N342E
DVR Camera  IDDK-N370S
DVR Camera  IDDK-N370P
DVR Camera  IDDK-N380S
DVR Camera  CT-IDDG442M
DVR Camera  IDDG-M380
DVR Camera  CT-IDDG390M
DVR Camera  IDES-N370P
DVR Camera  IDES-N370S
DVR Camera  IDES-N342E
DVR Camera  CY-ADA110
DVR Camera  CY-ADA113H
DVR Camera  CY-ADA120
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DVR Camera  CY-ADB110
DVR Camera  CY-ADB120
DVR Camera  CY-VE70S
DVR Camera  CY-ADB220
DVR Camera  CY-ADB210
DVR Camera  CY-VD13
DVR Camera  CY-IDBA313
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DVR Camera  IDC-A313
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DVR Camera  CY-VF13
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Indoor 30M IR 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD 360 Deg Fisheye Camera CCD Camera

Indoor 30M IR 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD 360 Deg Fisheye Camera
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Capability Characteristic;

 DSP: NVP2441H+OVTI2710
 MINIMUM ILLUMINATION: 0.01 Lux F1.2 / 0 Lux F1.2 (IR On)
 SCANNING SYSTEM: NTSC: 2:1 Interlace 
  PAL: 2:1 Interlace
 TOTAL PIXELS: NTSC: 1920(H)*1080(V)
  PAL: 1920(H)*1080(V)
 ELECTRONIC SHUTTER: NTSC:1/60~1/120,000 sec
  PAL: 1/50~1/120,000 sec
 SYNC SYSTEM: Internal
 VIDEO OUTPUT: Composite 1.0V p-p at 75 ohm
 LENS: default 1.7mm FishEye lens,360 deg visual angle;    have Lense: 1
 IR LED: 3 PCS Array Infrared Lights
 Weight-Net: KG

  • 1080P HD-AHD real-time output.
  • Adopt HD megapixel lens with better night-view performance than normal lens;
  • This camera can capture clear images with IR function even in darkness.
  • IR-III Dot Infrared Lights,long visible distance,lighting evenly,long life-span.
  • with external IR LED,lens is separate with IR,totally solve flash,reflecting and whitening ,etc.problems.
  • WDR,HLC,ATR,Smart IR,etc.
  • Elegant dome shape with user-friendly design,easy to install.
  • Adopting the newest 2.0megapxiels OV2710 HD CMOS sensor which presented by America OmniVision, The minimum illumination is 0.01Lux, fine and smooth image, clear picture;
  • High-performance processor NVP2441H ISP, analog output can reach 1080P;
  • Combine the newest low-power and wide-voltage circuit design with advantages in quad circuit protection,anti-lightning,anti-surge,anti-electric and magnetic interference,more stable performance and longer product life;
  • Adopting IR-CUT switch, more clear image, better color reproduction, lower illumination.it can up to 0 Lux when the IR on;
  • 3 PCS IR-III Dot Infrared Lights.Indoor IR distance can reach up to 30-40M;
  • Design with intelligent light-activated and automatically detecting technology to control the infrared lights,reducing working hours of the light and extending product life in an energy-saving and environment-friendly way;
  • Power supply based constant current limiting design to ensure night-view performance is free from voltage influence;
  • Constant current control circuit separated with light board,effectively reduce the infrared light heat problem;
  • Adopt professional IR lens with better night-view performance than normal lens;
  • with external IR LED,lens is separate with IR,totally solve flash,reflecting and whitening ,etc.problems;
  • Original imported glasses,with anti-dust,anti-fog,waterproof function;
  • Adopt HD megapixel lens with better night-view performance than normal lens;
  • It has basic but significant function such as Automatic backlight control (BLC),automatic gain control (AGC) and automatic white balance (AWB) also provides WDR,smart IR,etc;
  • Brightness,contrast,saturation and hue adjustment;
  • Single color or color to black functions can be setup,adapt for different needs of more monitoring sites;
  • Back Light compensation(BLC),high light compensation(HLC) function,reverses the area about strong light,adjust the contrast of object,to light balance;
  • Elegant dome shape with user-friendly design, easy to install;
  • Use standard DC12V power supply;
HD CMOS Sensor HD 1080P HD-AHD Output IR-III LED
Low-Brightness D/N Monitoring IR-CUT 1.7mm ultra-wide Lens
Low-Brightness D/N Monitoring IR-CUT 1.7mm ultra-wide Lens
Megapixel HD Lens Double Glass Metal Shell WDR
Megapixel HD Lens Double Glass Metal Shell WDR
HLC Smart IR Newest Circuit Design Non-Pb
HLC Smart IR Newest Circuit Design Non-Pb
 2.0 Megapxiels HD CMOS Image Sensor

Adopting the newest 2.0megapxiels OV2710 HD CMOS sensor which presented by America OmniVision, and High-performance processor NVP2441H ISP which purely compressed by hardware.

2.0 Megapxiels HD CMOS Image Sensor

 Six-Layer PCB

The number of PCB board’s layer will influence the electrical performance directly,more layers of PCB board,the larger area of wiring,more uniformly of placing wires.Signal insulation will be better.Interference between the signals will be less and product performance will be more stable.

Six-Layer PCB

 Immersion Au Process

The bonding pad adopts the Immersion Au Process,components contact well and low loss,the signal transmitted through the copper layer will not be affected,and also with good heat dissipation and electrical performance.

Immersion Au Process

 IR-III Dot Infrared Lights

The world's latest IR-III dot infrared technology,Single integrated light source instead of the stars traditional LED light source.It’s totally solve the first generation of LED and second generation of array LED disadvantage of fast lumens depreciation,poor heat dissipation,short life time and insufficient brightness,with the advantage of long visible distance,lighting evenly,long life-span,small size.Life is five times that of the conventional LED,two years Light fades ≤10%.

IR-III Dot Infrared Lights

 Mechanical filter IR-CUT

IR-CUT switch consists of IR cut-off filter and all spectral through filter..When the IR cut-off filter on, it can block infrared wavelengths which affect the imaged badly at the light sufficient day time, above 95% 700nm infrared can be cut-off, then the CCD can produce accurate color images, get more pure and softer picture, finally make consistent with human vision.At night, the IR cut-off filter will auto switch to spectral through filter while the light insufficient, then CCD make full use of visible light to improve performance of low illumination, reduce the noise, clarify the image.

Mechanical filter IR-CUT

 Megapixels HD Lens

Adopting megapixels HD lens with aspherical technology,it can improve the clarity of image edge effectively;multi-layer composite coating way to increase the amount of light penetration, reducing glare and ghosting image, and get the best color.The lens has advantage of the large amount of light transmission, lower noise, higher resolution, further depth of focus etc.The image quality far than ordinary lens.

Megapixels HD Lens

 1.7mm ultra-wide Lens

1.7mm ultra-wide angle fisheye lens, the monitor has a very large viewing angle, 360 ° no dead ends to achieve full coverage monitoring.


 Profesional Vedio Cable

Inferior video cable uses a kind of thin and impurity containing copper core ,and the protective coating can be inflammable easily,which will affect the signal transmission and electricity utilization seriously; however,professional vedio cable adopts pure thicker copper core,with the flame-retardanting of protective coating ,it makes sure the vedio transmission more stable and electrical utilization more safe.

Inferior Video Cable High Quality Video Cable
Inferior Video Cable High Quality Video Cable
 Lower Illumination

It can get more clearer image at darker environment for lower illumination cameras.It needs less brightness to distinguish objects than normal cameras.

Normal Illumination Effective Lower Illumination Effective
Normal Illumination Effective Lower Illumination Effective
 Excellent color reproduction

Excellent color reproduction under variety of light sources [1,800K to 10,500K]


 High Light Compensation(HLC)

It is a function which reverses the area about strong light,To light balance.

High Light Compensation Off High Light Compensation On
High Light Compensation Off High Light Compensation On
 Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)

The Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) is a function that it can acquire natural images with fewer blown out highlights and blocked up shadows by combining a multiple number of images,shot at different exposure times,using digital signal processing.

 Exposure Control for IR Light

Exposure Control for IR Light can reduce the over-exposure of IR center area,making the whole image gentler.

Exposure Control OFF Exposure Control On
Exposure Control OFF Exposure Control On
This camera is equipped with infrared lights. It will automatically open infrared light to compensate ambient light in low-light environment.it's applicable to the supermarket checkout, office hall, elevators, subway corridor.

. None
. None
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. No. : IRCB-A313    Name : 15M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRCB-A320    Name : 15M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRDG-A313    Name : 60M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRDG-A320    Name : 60M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRDK-A313    Name : 100M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRDK-A320    Name : 100M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IREB-A313    Name : 15M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IREB-A320    Name : 15M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IREK-A313    Name : 60M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IREK-A310    Name : 40M Outdoor IR Waterproof HD-AHD Camera
. No. : IREK-A320    Name : 60M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRJG-A313    Name : 40M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRJG-A320    Name : 40M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRLK-A313    Name : 80M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IRLK-A320    Name : 80M IR Waterproof 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : DZAF-A313    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD Dome Camera
. No. : DZAF-A320H    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD Dome Camera
. No. : IZAC-A313    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZAC-A320H    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZAF-A313    Name : 30M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZAF-A320H    Name : 30M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZCC-A313    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZCC-A320H    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZHO-A313    Name : 80M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : IZHO-A320H    Name : 80M IR Waterproof 2.5X Manual Varifocal 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : CY-ADF013    Name : 20M IR 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD 360 Deg Fisheye Camera
. No. : CY-ADF020    Name : Indoor 20M IR 2.0M Pixel HD-AHD 360 Deg Fisheye Camera
. No. : CY-ADF313    Name : 30M IR 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD 360 Deg Fisheye Camera
. No. : CY-ADA113    Name : 20M IR 1.3M Pixel HD AHD Dome Camera
. No. : CY-ADA213    Name : 30M IR 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD Dome Camera
. No. : CY-ADB113    Name : 20M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD Dome Camera
. No. : CY-ADB213    Name : 30M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD Dome Camera
. No. : CY-AB5113    Name : 30M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : CY-AB5213    Name : 60M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
. No. : CY-AB5413    Name : 100M IR Waterproof 1.3M Pixel HD-AHD CCTV Camera
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